Friday, August 21, 2009

The Kevin & Toddyssey: Day 18

I was about to say the last couple of days have been quite eventful, but you know what, I'm pretty sure we've started every blog post that way. So let's just say the last couple days have been business as usual.
First off, we now have a PADI Open Water certified diver in the family! Notice I said "a" PADI Open Water certified diver. While Kevin finished the course with flying colors, I had to drop out after my first dive due to medical complications. That's fine with me though, there's enough to occupy my time on land. Kevin, however, has taken to diving like, well, a fish to water. He hasn't stopped diving since we finished the course. In fact, he's already working his way to becoming an Advanced Open Water diver. Here on Ko Tao is definitely the place to do it. The diving here is brilliant, and cheap. But since I haven't gone with him, he'll have to write about his experiences underwater.
When everyone is back on land, we've been living the good life, island style. Which means looong naps, laying in the sun, hanging out with new friends, and staying up all night. We've met some fun new people here on the island, from all over the world. Katherine and Noelia, from Bolivia and Spain respectively, were our neighbors for one night. We eventually moved to our current residence just down the path. But we met up with them again later on the beach and convinced them to stay on Ko Tao a few more days using the patented Wheeler "Why Not?" argument. When they said, "if only we could stay longer..." we asked, "well why not?" They found it a convincing argument.

Katherine and Noelia in front of a gorgeous Ko Tao sunset
Ko Tao means Turtle Island, hence the giant turtle

We've also been spending a lot of time with our former dive instructor, Andre, and his girlfriend Sarah. Andre, from South Africa, and Sarah, from England, have been living in Thailand and working as dive instructors for the last 9 months. In 7 days, however, they will be departing for their dream job diving in Oman (look it up on a map if you have to, we'll be coming back to this). We were originally going to leave Ko Tao on Sunday, but we've decided to stick around a few more days and leave when they do so we can have one big going away party.

Andre, Sarah, and their dog Barker showing off her "alien face"

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