It's funny what kinds of things people have in common, no matter where they are from. For example- mohawks!

All you need to create memories is some good friends, a camera, and an electric razor.
We came really close to giving Sarah a mohawk, but luckily we had a last minute vote and decided to get her dreadlocks instead. Here's how close we were:

The next morning we agreed dreadlocks was a far better decision.
However, getting dreadlocks was far easier said than done. We walked all around town, trying to find someone who would do it for a maximum of 2000 baht, around $60. But since dreads are an incredibly labor intensive endeavor, no one would make us a deal. So, we regrouped at a nearby pub and decided on what we should do next. Andre decided that if nothing else, we should all get lip rings. So we did. Surprise!

After we regrouped again at the pub, we decided, you know what, why pay a stranger to destroy Sarah's hair when she has perfectly capable friends to do it for her! So we bought some combs from 7-11, rounded up Tyler, a dive instructor from Boston who had previously joined in on the mohawks, and got started!

And you know what...after several hours of taking chunks of Sarah's hair and combing them backwards until they matted and knotted together, we realized why exactly dreadlocks are so expensive to get done. It's a lot of dang work! We finally called it quits around midnight, barely half done, and agreed to meet up again tonight to finish the job. But you know what? It's all been worth it, for the good times and memories.
Memory Making is an ART in and of it's self-Thank Goodness for cameras!